Picture of Chaim Steinmetz

Chaim Steinmetz

Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz is the Senior Rabbi of Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun in New York.

Before Solving the World’s Problems

We simply can’t fix the Tower of Babel right now. Maybe, after the last year, we need to consider solving the problems of the Jews first.

Holy Rebellion

Yes, there is a Jewish tradition of questioning God, a holy rebellion that begins with Abraham.

Backyard Mysticism

God is present in the soul of each person; and a deep connection to the divine can be found in day to day social interactions.

The Holiday We Need Right Now

The Mishna explains that Tu B’Av was one of the two most joyous days on the Jewish calendar, a day when “the daughters of Jerusalem would go out and dance in the vineyards,” calling out to potential suitors to consider them as wives.

The Jews Should Have Quit a Long Time Ago

For the last 307 days, we have been a heartbroken people. Yet each day the Jewish people return back to the same covenant again and again. And that is because hope is part of our DNA.

Yes, it’s Our Homeland

Israel is a haven, a homeland, and a holy land for the Jewish people. But what makes the story of Israel compelling is something else completely.


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