
Are Jews really to blame for Wall Street woes?

March 13, 2009

In research a story for next week that builds on my op-ed about anti-semitism and the financial crisis, I just stumbled across this late-October blog post at Haq’s Musings: Are Jews Culprits of Collapse on Wall Street?

Haq, who includes links to a few notoriously anti-Semitic sites like Rense and RadioIslam, concludes:

Stereotypes, whether Jewish or Muslim, are hard to change. The reality is that there are only three Jews on the CNN’s latest top ten list of the culprits of collapse even if one argues that these three are the most important of the top ten. They are: Former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, Current Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke and the Lehman Brothers CEO Richard Fuld. As some of us blame the few who made serious mistakes and happen to be Jewish, let us not forget that a large number of Jewish workers and investors on Wall Street are victims of the financial meltdown. Many Jews have lost their jobs while others are suffering major declines in their investment portfolios.

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