
Blinded Iranian wants an eye for her eyes

March 4, 2009

Forget the Dark Ages. That’s too modern for the Iranian justice system. I don’t know what’s more shocking, though: That the courts will give a blinded woman eye-for-an-eye justice or that two female eyes are only worth one male eye.

More from the AP:

MADRID – An Iranian woman living in Spain said Wednesday she welcomed a Tehran court ruling that awards her eye-for-an-eye justice against a suitor who blinded her with acid.

Ameneh Bahrami, 30, told Cadena SER radio, “I am not doing this out of revenge, but rather so that the suffering I went through is not repeated.”

Late last year an Iranian court ruled that the man — identified only as Majid — who blinded Bahrami in 2004 after she spurned him, should also be blinded with acid based on the Islamic law system of “qisas,” or eye for an eye retribution, according to Iranian newspaper reports from November.

But Bahrami, who moved to Spain after the attack to get medical treatment, said Wednesday that under Iranian law, she is entitled to blind him in only one eye, unless she pays euro20,000 ($25,110), because in Iran women are not considered equal to men.

“They have told us that my two eyes are equal to one of his because in my country each man is worth two women. They are not the same,” she told Cadena SER.

Thanks for the link, GeekHeeb

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