
Israel’s “Fourth Sector”

April 1, 2014

Integration into the Israeli job market is difficult not only for asylum seekers, Arabs and Haredim, but also for those with disabilities, including individuals with mental illness. Typically, the disabled are pushed out of the job market and into 'supported employment' positions that provide reduced hours, reduced wages, and reduced self-importance. Often the work is menial packaging and folding positions. So “Enosh”, an organization for the advancement of mental health services, joined forces with an entrepreneur to create TLV Marketing, which employs twenty workers providing telephone services to a variety of customers. This is a business initiative within ‘supported employment’ to prepare them to re-enter into the current job market.

Ovad Levi, CEO of TLV Marketing explains: “Every month the individuals are consistently advancing, more and more. Unfortunately in a normal business, that is not always possible as they would be sent home for not producing results.” He describes the potential integration of disabled into tech and telephone services as a “fourth sector”. Watch the report and learn more about TLV Marketing and hear from employees about their quality of employment.