

Tolerance Museum director doesn’t tolerate status quo

The Museum of Tolerance is rarely the same experience twice, even with its permanent exhibits. New visuals, soundtracks and materials are added to keep the displays current and relevant. And while many people think of the museum as a \”Jewish\” institution, it is the \”human\” experience that touches upon issues that affect visitors of all ages and ethnic backgrounds.

Briefs: Some West Bank settlers would agree to leave, Israel OKs Palestinian police stations

Approximately one in five Israelis living east of the West Bank security fence would leave if offered government support, a poll found. According to an internal government study, whose results were leaked Tuesday to Yediot Achronot, approximately 15,000 of the 70,000 settlers whose communities are not taken in by the fence would accept voluntary relocation packages.

Letter from Jerusalem

Condolence visits are part of a rabbi\’s life, but no one ever taught us how to make nine visits in a 48-hour period. We arrived in Israel on the morning of Tuesday, March 11, and left Israel the following night. Our mission, representing the Rabbinical Council of America, was to express solidarity with the families of the victims of the terror attack at yeshivat Mercaz Harav, comfort the injured in the hospitals and visit the yeshiva.

Why Israel must kvetch

If there\’s one question I\’ve heard a thousand times from Jews all over, it is this: Why is Israel so bad at PR? I know that when Jews ask me that question, they\’re also saying, \”Suissa, you\’re in the business, can\’t you do something?\”\n

A letter to my secular friend in Tel Aviv

Let me tell you why you should feel for these yeshiva students: Because while you don\’t identify with them, they identified with you. I\’m sure they might have reserved their own, passionate critique of your secular Tel Aviv lifestyle, but they sat in that yeshiva not merely because it gave them joy and a spiritual high, but because they wanted you to be safe.

Israel faces grim intelligence estimate

Last week\’s terrorist attack at a Jerusalem yeshiva and the new Israeli national intelligence assessment presented to the Cabinet on Sunday underscore the acute security problems Israel faces this year and beyond.

Only the best go there

There are moments when half a world away seems right around the corner. At Young Israel of Century City (YICC) on Sunday afternoon, Israel\’s pain at the murder of eight young yeshiva students burned through the Los Angeles Jewish community, just as it has in Jerusalem, where the boys lived, and as it has through Jewish communities throughout the world. The death of eight innocent boys studying Torah at Yeshiva Mercaz Harav shrunk the world.

Ashkelon is the new front line in the war with Gaza

Practically overnight, life in this quiet coastal city has changed dramatically. Thirteen rockets landed in Ashkelon over the course of four days, and with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) having launched a ground invasion into Gaza over the weekend, shaken residents here suddenly find themselves in a war zone.

Israel weighs novel ideas to counter Hamas rockets

With Israel still facing Hamas rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip following the end of the army\’s limited ground operation there, the Israeli government is considering stronger follow-up measures.

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More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.