

Big Screen, Bigger Picture

From films on the killing fields of the Khmer Rouge regime of Cambodia and civil war in Sudan to mental illness and homelessness in America, the series will allow viewers to take a second look from a Jewish perspective.

Majority Report

Numbers never tell the whole story, but these come close. By retaining control of the West Bank, Gaza and the Palestinian populations therein, Israel will either cease to be a primarily Jewish State, or will become an undemocratic one, where a Jewish minority rules an Arab majority.

Exhibit to Detail Nazi Persecution of Gays

When Dr. Edward Phillips set out to create the first English-language exhibit on the Nazi persecution of homosexuals, opening Sunday at the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust, information proved elusive.

Rabbis, Scholars OK CBS ‘Hitler’ Pic

CBS feared that the early Hitler would be \”humanized\” into a sympathetic figure as an abused child and misunderstood artist or as a German Rocky who overcame tremendous odds, and even that the film might trigger pogrom-like outbursts.

War Goes to School

While the media bombards Americans with images and stories of air strikes, wounded soldiers, POWs and the question of terrorism, teachers and administrators around the Southland are finding sensitive ways to teach students about the events without causing unneeded anxiety.

Moranic Statement

A furor over comments by a U.S. lawmaker is highlighting the resurgent trend of blaming Israel and the Jewish community for the impending
war against Iraq.

Tackling the Future

With its initial goal accomplished, the Shoah Foundation faces two mammoth tasks, one short-term, the other for the indefinite future.

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More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.