

Anti-Semitism on Upswing in Greece

Expressions of anti-Semitism through Holocaust imagery were so harsh in the Greek media and political circles at the time that Hronika, the official magazine of the Central Board of Greek Jewish Communities, spoke of a climate of \”hysteria and anti-Semitism\” that was masquerading as mere criticism of the State of Israel.

The Circuit

The stars were out again last Tuesday. In the wake of the Emmys, Jewish celebrities, community leaders and entertainment industry people gathered at the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills, to honor their peers at the second annual Jewish Image Awards in Film and Television (JIA), sponsored by the National Foundation for Jewish Culture (NFJC).

Pro-Israel Ads Hit the Airwaves

Ads trumpeting Israeli democracy and the country\’s cultural and political similarities to America came to TV sets nationwide.

The Circuit

They came for the kosher and stayed for the kibitz.

Your Letters

Marlene — you are indelible in the hearts and minds of so many — even those who railed against your politics.

Funny Girl

Is it harder for nice Jewish girls in the world of stand-up comedy? Yes.

Israel History 101

How much do American Jews know about Israel? Not enough to fight the battle taking place on college campuses over the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

One Shagadelic Sourpuss

She\’s back, baby — and dare we say it? — she\’s shaggable. In the third go-round of Mike Myers\’ Bond spoof, "Austin Powers in Goldmember,"

A Tough Farewell

It\’s hard to know who will suffer the greater wrench this summer: Rabbis Jackie and David Ellenson, as they leave Los Angeles, or Jewish Los Angeles for losing them.

Is Hollywood’s Hat in the Ring?

A full-page advertisement in Variety last Monday marked the entertainment industry\’s first public show of support for Israel since the outbreak of the second intifada.

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More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.