

War Marks Defining Moment for Jews

The current war with Iraq marks a defining moment in the lives of American Jews and their lives in this country. For generations, Jews have lived, for the most part, on the left-wing edge of the American commonwealth.

They have been — in Hollywood, in the political world, academia and the media — generally hostile to the idea of the projection of American power and the idea of a new American empire.

This may soon be changing. Although initially somewhat less supportive of the Iraq invasion than other Americans, Jews are far more behind the projection of American power, arguably, than at any time since World War II. Over half of Jews strongly supported the Bush policy before the outbreak of hostility, according to the Pew Research Center; that percentage has likely increased more recently, as has occurred in the rest of the population.

UJ Students SupportIsrael, Mixed on Iraq

\”President Bush has the best interests of the United States and the world at heart … if push comes to shove, I would fight with the American Army,\” said Jacob Proud, a 20-year old freshman in bioethics at the University of Judaism (UJ).\n\n\”I question the real motives for this war… I want my country and Israel to be as just and righteous as possible,\” observed Mark Goodman, 26, a second-year student in the UJ\’s Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies. The opinions, expressed in separate interviews during the first week of the war in Iraq, illustrate an obvious and a more subtle point.\n\nFor one, not all students think alike, not even in a university whose students are, by self-selection, dedicated to Judaism. Secondly, even within the UJ, undergraduates and rabbinical students sit largely on opposite sides of the fence.

A Scream Looking for a Mouth

The anti-war forces in America have blundered, and it\’s making them lose the war — for our hearts and minds.

Fearful Assad Places a Risky Bet on Saddam

Judging from his public statements, Assad seems convinced that the Bush administration will not stop at Iraq, and that after a U.S. victory in Baghdad, he could be next on the regime-change agenda.

Therefore, when Assad vilifies the United States and openly aids the Iraqi war effort, he believes he is fighting for his life. In late March, buoyed by what he saw as initial Iraqi success in resisting the U.S.-led invasion, Assad explained the basis of his thinking in a fierce diatribe against Israel and the United States.

The war in Iraq, he told the Lebanese newspaper, As-Safir, was an Israeli-American conspiracy \”designed to redraw the political map of the Middle East.\” In Assad\’s view, the United States would take Iraq\’s oil, and Israel would become the dominant regional power.

Anxiety and Hope

What was once a thriving and influential community of 130,000 Jews in the 1940s has been reduced to less than 50 people, and no one in Los Angeles has been able to contact them for some time.

War Goes to School

While the media bombards Americans with images and stories of air strikes, wounded soldiers, POWs and the question of terrorism, teachers and administrators around the Southland are finding sensitive ways to teach students about the events without causing unneeded anxiety.

Jews on the Warship

It is hard to know for sure how many Jewish sailors may be among the thousands of Navy personnel — including 102 fighter jet pilots who have been training for months to take out mobile targets like Scud launchers in the western part of Iraq that would be in striking distance of Israel.

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