

Moranic Statement

A furor over comments by a U.S. lawmaker is highlighting the resurgent trend of blaming Israel and the Jewish community for the impending
war against Iraq.

Anti-Semitism Taints Anti-War Movement

We must speak out against anti-Semitism and other forms of racism and bigotry anywhere we encounter them, especially in our own peace and justice community. We cannot accept a peace movement leadership that excludes outspoken opponents of the war because they are also supporters of Israel.

Bombing Follows Thwarted Attacks

With the United States stepping up military and diplomatic preparations for a possible strike against Iraq, much of Israel was focused this week on when a war might break out and whether it would affect Israel.

Memories of Iraq

\”When I left Baghdad in 1951,\” Naji Harkham recalled of the day he left for Israel, \”I left with tears in my eyes. To me, Baghdad was good. I had so many Muslim friends who didn\’t want me to leave.\”

Iraq War Not Just Means to Just End

A war will also take hundreds of billions of dollars from America\’s own people — from health care for our seniors, schools for our children, healing for the earth. An attack on Iraq will increase the unaccountable power of the oil companies and regimes that have provided money to both the Al Qaeda terrorists and the Bush administration, that have corrupted American politics and robbed American stockholders, that befoul the seas and scorch the earth.

Israeli Schools Prepare for War

My daughter\’s friend, Hilla, said her 11th-grade social relations class at Herzliya\’s Yovel High School normally focused on familiar
adolescent topics: interpersonal problems, difficulties with exams, the dangers of drinking and driving.

The Jews and Iraq

Ask any rabbi or community relations professional; in Jewish communities across the nation, there is support for the Bush administration\’s Iraq policy laced with healthy doses of skepticism and outright opposition — the whole range of reactions of a worried nation.

Charming? Not the Word for Politics

Plato described democracy as \”a charming form of government.\” Well, perhaps in ancient Greece there wasn\’t much else to charm away the days.

U.S. Courts Israel to Not Join Iraq War

During Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz\’s mid-December visit to Washington, U.S. officials went out of their way to try to convince the Israeli delegation that the United States would do all it could to defend Israel, and that there would be no need for Israel to get involved in the war.

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