One of my pet peeves is people who make generalconclusions from rather sketchy specific facts. Such is the column ofCharles Marowitz wherein he comments about Los Angeles’ “unfailingability to turn crocks of manure into crocks of gold” (“Looking forthe Genius in ‘Picasso at the Lapin Agile’,”Jan. 30).
He does this based upon the fact that someproducer has once again decided to present “Picasso at the LapinAgile.” In proving his case he uses several examples including theplay “Shear Madness” in Boston and “Abie’s Irish Rose” on Broadway.He names a couple of others which he degrades as having run for alengthy time in Los Angeles, and to prove his point then states that”The Drunkard,” “a crude melodrama” ran for many years here in LosAngeles.
Mr. Marowitz sounds a lot like so many others whohave chosen to live here, but don’t want to admit that it’s really apretty neat place.
But my beef with him particularly is in regard to”The Drunkard.” It didn’t pretend to be anything other than a lot offun. It was a corny melodrama followed by Olio acts and communitysinging, but there was dinner and beer thrown in.
I have a feeling Mr. Marowitz might have evenenjoyed it.
Irwin D. Goldring
Los Angeles
Right Voice
I was troubled by the lack of ahavas Yisroel or love of Jews,shown by Mr. Elyakim Haetzni when he echoed statements made by theIsraeli government that we may have to send troops into Gaza and theother PLO autonomous areas (“A Voice from the Right,” Feb. 6).
This is a defeatist attitude. We should not makethe same mistakes of the 1982 Lebanon War. My first and only concernis the safety and well-being of our own soldiers.
The false piety of Elyakim Haetzni and thedefeatist attitude of the Israeli government would be the cause ofJews having to pay the butchers bill. We should seek to destroyrather than to conquer.
Max Kessler
Los Angeles
More on Monica
I concur with the letters that lambasted yourtreatment of the Monica Lewinsky story in a vain and irrelevantattempt to develop a Jewish connection.
The environment that creates a Monica Lewinsky isa story of greater magnitude. Can we assume that she is a product ofthe disparity of wealth in our economy which diminishes familyvalues? Or, as she grew up, was she victimized by the media whichtrivializes sex, crime and corruption? If so, we are losing ourchildren to a culture that transcends ethnicity and religiousbackground.
Leonard Stone
Beverly Hills
According to your Jan. 30 cover story on MonicaLewinsky, we are involved in pimping and prostitution; Bibi, likeClinton, has zipper problems ; Marlene Marks just discovered that ourdaughters and sons are not perfect (neither are their parents, by theway); rabbis, doubling up as sexuality experts, interpreted the finelines between oral sex, intercourse and adultery (that article wasreally hilarious, move over Seinfeld).
Some of your readers were almost raving mad. I, onthe other hand, thought that this issue was one of the finest, mostdiversified, most hard-hitting in a long, long time. We are beginningto accept the previously unthinkable concept that among us walk thegood, the bad and the indifferent. “To be normal, that is my goal formy people,” said Rabin, shortly before he was assassinated. We arecertainly making giant strides in that direction.
As to Gene Lichtenstein’s melodramatic plea forJewish unity behind Monica Lewinsky, please “include me out”: I cansee her parents giving her unconditional love and support; I, though,have enough problems with my own children, trying to keep my rockyboat afloat.
Maurice Kornberg
Los Angeles
Insulting to Orthodox
Adam Gilad’s opening paragraph reeks of resentmentand hate (“Where the Action Is,” Jan. 30). It is a diatribe againstevery Orthodox Jew in Jerusalem, insulting in its message andrevoting in its tone.
The purpose of a community newspaper is to providenews and opinion. As surely as we ought not restrict the former, weshould insist on responsibility in the latter. While everyone isentitled to an opinion, a community supported paper cannot be thepodium for every disgruntled voice looking to let off steam. Shouldnot someone bother to ask whether an opinion expressed in such aderogatory manner is worth the attention of the public? Had theauthor of the piece been some noted thinker or public figure, thedecision to publish might have been justified.
A community paper should help solve the problemsof our Jewish community, not contribute to them. At very least, weshould see lip service paid to the cause of civility.
Irwin Lowi
Los Angeles
‘Morning Star’
Thank you to fellow reader Helen Bruck for herhead’s up on “Morning Star,” the play currently playing at the ColonyTheater (“Great Play,” Jan. 23). At her recommendation, I went to seeit and enjoyed it very much. It’s a charming and moving play thatseems to dramatize similar experiences of my immigrantgreat-grandparents.
I apparently can get better entertainment tipsfrom Jewish Journal readers than from the Los Angeles Times’ leadtheater critic who found “Morning Star” too “clichéd” and”sentimental.” Also, artist David Rose’s paintings in the lobby weretruly inspiring.
All in all, my money was well spent. I didn’t comeaway feeling cheated or angry, but emotionally fulfilled andthoroughly entertained – not to mention proud of my heritage.
David Feldstein
Westside JCC
I was dismayed by the news that the WestsideJewish Community Center may be sold to a private religious highschool (“Westside JCC May Be Sold to Shalhevet,” Feb. 6).
The center has been a focus of my family’s lifefor 35 years. We sent our children to its wonderful nursery school,used its fine athletic facilities and participated in its many dailyand camp programs. Now our grandchildren go to the same (stillwonderful) nursery school, and swim in the pool there.
The population served by WJCC — young familiesand the elderly — will be left without recourse if the centercloses, and its services scattered into different facilities. Thecultural continuity provided by WJCC is as important as Jewisheducation, which can be accomplished in many venues.
I hope a chorus of others who have benefitted fromthe WJCC will join me in attempting to save our precious center forthe community at large.
Robert J. Wunsch
Los Angeles
Upcoming Lecture
People who acknowledge the lack of quality in ourfoods today will be happy to know there are measures they can take toprotect their health. Most of us try to eat well, but due tooverprocessing as well as harvesting fruits and vegetables beforethey are ripe, many of the nutrients our bodies need are no longeravailable. As a result of these deficiencies, people are experiencinghealth problems in increasing numbers. This deterioration innutritional value is a product of the 20th century in that it is duelargely to increased population, depleted farmlands and the economicsof our fast-paced society.
On Saturday, Feb. 28, Dr. Stephen Nugent willdiscuss how nutritional deficiencies and environmental toxins areimpacting health worldwide. He will tell us what we can do to protectour bodies and preserve and improve our health. Dr. Nugent has awealth of experience in medical practice, research and education. Hehas authored books and audio tapes on this subject, and lecturesinternationally to tens of thousands of people.
The lecture will be held at UCLA’s Ackerman GrandBallroom, and it is open to the public (seating is limited and isexpected to sell out). I know this lecture will be of considerableinterest to your readers.
Steve Hirsh
Los Angeles
The Anti-Defamation League did not protest outsideTemple Kol Tikvah during Rev. Jesse Jackson’s visit there, as wereported (“Jackson Shares His Dream,” Feb. 13). The protesters weremembers of the Jewish Defense League. We regret the error.
THE JEWISH JOURNAL welcomes letters from all readers. Letters shouldbe no more than 250 words and we reserve the right to edit for space.All letters must include a signature, valid address and phone number.Pseudonyms and initials will not be used, but names will be withheldon request. Unsolicited manuscripts and other materials shouldinclude a self-addressed, stamped envelope in order to bereturned.Publisher, Stanley Hirsh
THE JEWISH JOURNAL welcomes letters from allreaders. Letters should be no more than 250 words and we reserve theright to edit for space. All letters must include a signature, validaddress and phone number. Pseudonyms and initials will not be used,but names will be withheld on request. Unsolicited manuscripts andother materials should include a self-addressed, stamped envelope inorder to be returned.Publisher, Stanley Hirsh
Editor-in chief,Gene Lichtenstein
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Calendar and copy editor, William Yelles
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National Correspondent, J. J. Goldberg
Contributing writers, James David Besser (Washington), Larry Derfner (Tel Aviv),Rabbi Ed Feinstein, Linda Feldman, Beverly Gray, Joel Kotkin, RabbiSteven Leder, Yehuda Lev, Deborah Berger-Reiss, Eric Silver(Jerusalem), Teresa Strasser
Contributing editor, Tom Tugend
Art director,Shelley Adler
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Members of the corporation,
Ed Brennglass (1919-1997), Willard Chotiner, IrwinDaniels, Irwin Field, David Finegood, Herbert Gelfand, Osias Goren,Richard Gunther, Stanley Hirsh, Marvin Kristan, Mark Lainer
Legal counsel/ accountants, Leon Katz of Tyre, Kamins, Katz and Granoff; JonathanKirsch of Kirsch and Mitchell/Gerald Block of Block, Plant andEisner
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