Up Front
Rabbi Michael Beals of B\’nai Tikvah Congregation,a Conservative synagogue in Westchester, was disturbed when he read aLos Angeles Times article in late December that described arson firesat two Orthodox synagogues in the Beverly-Fairfax.
Rabbi Michael Beals of B\’nai Tikvah Congregation,a Conservative synagogue in Westchester, was disturbed when he read aLos Angeles Times article in late December that described arson firesat two Orthodox synagogues in the Beverly-Fairfax.
Deeply ingrained ideas die hard. This week\’s parasha,however, helps to ring the death knell for one such idea. Many of us have been trained to believe that the Torah\’s commandments can be broken down into two basic categories.
After spending months moderating aweekly chat room in America Online\’s Jewish section, I finally foundEmes, someone I could really talk to.
One of my pet peeves is people who make generalconclusions from rather sketchy specific facts.
One could almost see historyon the march in Washington last week when the House Banking Committeeheld a day of hearings on Nazi plunder — stolen artworks in themorning, looted insurance policies after lunch — and how to restoreit to its rightful owners.
Student films from throughout Southern California are currentlybeing featured on the three-part KCET series \”Fine Cut: A Festival ofStudent Film,\” airing on Sundays at 10 p.m.
My roommate and friend, \”Joe,\” is engaged to bemarried to a terrific woman, and the wedding date is set for thisJune. I am to be his best man.
Single and stuck in evening rush-hour traffic onthe 405 Freeway on the last Friday of the month? Instead of leaningon the horn and screaming at the driver in the next lane, you mightconsider pulling over and dropping in at one of nine Reform andConservative synagogues that have joined the new 405 Jewish SinglesShabbat services circuit.
Chances are, like most people, you\’ve got an ideafor a blockbuster motion picture playing in your head. The troubleis, you don\’t even know how to buy film. That\’s where Dov S-S Simenssteps in.
Harriet Tubman, the fugitive-slave andabolitionist, was a kind of African-American Mata Hari.