
Italy collecting Holocaust memorabilia for museums

The Italian government has launched a national campaign to collect material related to the Holocaust and Jewish history in Italy for inclusion in two new museums. Called \"Family Stories,\" the campaign was launched Jan. 27, International Holocaust Remembrance Day, and will run through June 30.
February 3, 2011

The Italian government has launched a national campaign to collect material related to the Holocaust and Jewish history in Italy for inclusion in two new museums.

Called “Family Stories,” the campaign was launched Jan. 27, International Holocaust Remembrance Day, and will run through June 30.

The campaign includes a series of television spots featuring celebrities asking individual Italians as well as institutions, companies, associations, foundations and other bodies to go through their possessions and donate photographs, documents and other relevant material they might find. People are asked to bring items to local government offices, which will send them for assessment and cataloguing by a group of experts.

Selected material will be included in the collections of two new museums under development—a state-run National Museum of Italian Judaism and the Shoah in Ferrara, and a Museum of the Shoah in Rome.

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