
News Outlet Calling Trump Impeachment a ‘Jew Coup’ Given White House Press Credentials at Swiss Forum

January 23, 2020
Screenshot from YouTube.

The TruNews YouTube channel, whose founder said on the air that the impeachment of President Donald Trump is part of a “Jew coup,” was reportedly given White House press credentials on Jan. 21.

Right Wing Watch caught a clip of TruNews broadcasting from the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

“We just want to thank President Trump and the White House for extending the invitation to be here,” TruNews founder and Florida Pastor Rick Wiles said. “Your TruNews team was sitting in the audience, very close to the stage. We got to see the president up close, hear the entire speech, and we’re again just honored that we are here. The White House has treated all of the media with a lot of respect and professionalism and courtesy.”

CNN’s Jake Tapper tweeted that he was able to confirm that TruNews received a White House press credential.

Jewish groups condemned the reported credentialing of TruNews.

“Unacceptable is an understatement,” Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt tweeted.

The American Jewish Committee similarly tweeted, “There are many things TruNews should receive⁠ — top amongst them being derision and scorn. One thing that it should not receive is credentials from the White House. This needs to be rectified immediately.”

Former New York Democratic Assemblyman Dov Hikind, who is also the founder of the Americans Against Antisemitism watchdog, tweeted, “This is unacceptable. We cannot tolerate credentialing fake journalists who shamelessly push virulent anti-Semitic agendas. I’m sure President @realDonaldTrump will do the right thing when this comes to his attention.”

In a Nov. 21 video, Wiles called Jews “deceivers. They plot. They lie.” He went onto say, “This impeach Trump movement is part of a Jew coup, and the American people better wake up to it fast.”

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