
Report Says SJP Promulgates ‘Blatant Forms of Anti-Semitism’

October 31, 2019
Photo from Wikipedia.

A new report from the Institute for the Study of Global Anti-Semitism and Policy (ISGAP) released on Oct. 30 states that National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJP) has promulgated “blatant forms of anti-Semitism” across college campuses nationwide.

The ISGAP report uses the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of anti-Semitism, which states that the demonization and de-legitimization of Israel in addition to applying double standards to Israel are anti-Semitic. 

All SJP chapters follow the NSJP “points of unity” in calling for ending “Israel’s occupation and colonization of all Arab lands” as well as the right of return for Palestinian refugees.

“Inasmuch as the word ‘colonization’ is laden with connotations of some evil, Point 1 is an example of a ‘rhetorical manifestation’ of antisemitism, as defined by IHRA,” the report states.

The report goes onto highlight various instances of SJP-promulgated anti-Semitism throughout the country, including:

  • Brooklyn College SJP, Columbia SJP and SJP Univerity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign calling Zionism “racism” in multiple Facebook posts.
  • Stony Brook University SJP calling for Zionism to be “an extinct ideology” in a May 2018 Facebook post.
  • SJP University of Minnesota, SJP Riverside and SJP Florida International University drawing comparisons between the Israeli government and the Nazis.
  • San Diego State University SJP saying in response to the notion that Israel has a right to exist, “States don’t have rights!!! People do!!!!!”

The report also documents alleged instances of SJP-incited altercations on college campuses. One example in the report states that UC Berkeley’s then-SJP head Husam Zakharia “allegedly rammed Jessica Felber, a Jewish former student, with a shopping cart filled with toys” in 2010 while Felber was holding an “Israel Wants Peace” sign. 

NSJP is hosting their annual conference from Nov. 1-3 on the University of Minnesota Twin Cities campus. The ISGAP report notes one of the speakers at the 2014 NSJP conference, Mira Nabulsi, tweeted in 2012, “#Israeli basketball player likes #Passover bread dipped with Muslim and Christian children’s blood!”

The report concludes, “In order for students to feel protected and for universities to abide by their own pacts of creating safe and secure learning environments, it is necessary to cancel the conference, or at the very least for administration officials to monitor the conference.”

NSJP did not respond to the Journal’s request for comment.

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