March 17, 2022

Russian State-Run Nuclear Energy Company Would Rake In Billions of Dollars Under New Iran Deal, Report Says
Rosatom, the chief state-run nuclear energy company in Russia, will reportedly rake in billions of dollars under a newly forged Iran nuclear deal.

YULA/Shalhevet Part 2: On Being a Mensch–ALWAYS
The positive responses I got were grateful that I focused on two leaders who showed some wisdom in the midst of heated emotions.

Anne Frank Exhibit at Roosevelt High, Sephardic Temple Gala and Israel-Azerbaijan Anniversary
Designed for ages 11-18, the exhibition tells the story of Anne Frank in the context of the Holocaust. A partnership between Roosevelt High School and Anne Frank LA, among other groups, brought the exhibit to the high school.

Tufts SJP Announces Pledge to Boycott Student Orgs “That Normalize or Benefit Israel”
Tufts SJP argued that the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement aims to “to make it economically and politically unviable for [I]srael to continue its violent occupation and colonization of Palestinian land by compelling governments, institutions, and corporations to withdraw their support for apartheid [I]srael.

The Bat Mitzvah Turns 100
A 12-year-old girl named Judith Kaplan Eisenstein became the first American girl to enjoy that rite of passage. Since then, nearly one million girls and women, including about 20,000 American girls annually, have marked their bat mitzvah.Â

Online Marketplace Is Making a Difference in the Lives of Israelis
The ACHI team created the hashtag #MyKlee, encouraging people to post pictures on Facebook and Instagram of their klees, filled with goods from Israel.

The Jewish “Titan of Tehran” Whose Murder Still Haunts Iran Today
Few people know as many details about their parents’ lives as Elghanayan has uncovered about the life of her legendary grandfather.

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