Mourner’s Kaddish for the Sunrise Movement
It should come as no surprise that branches of the organization would turn to scapegoating Jews and Jewish groups as a desperate attempt at relevancy.
It should come as no surprise that branches of the organization would turn to scapegoating Jews and Jewish groups as a desperate attempt at relevancy.
Baruch Meiri and 120,000 others fled from persecution in a mass immigration wave to Israel; Babylonian Jewry Heritage Center to mark 70th anniversary of Operation Ezra and Nehemiah
Just as Anti-Vaxxers are not “Refuseniks,” Palestinians are not experiencing either “apartheid” or “genocide.”
“We reject any attempt to boycott TLVFest – Israel’s largest LGBTQ Film Festival – which works to showcase the stories of LGBTQ people globally and create a brighter future for LGBTQ people both inside Israel and around the world,” the letter stated.
Dunner projects that classic, conservative, immersive Judaism of the kishkes. He is thoroughly traditional, and in a sense, unself-critical, steeped in the credos of Jewish history, learning and observance to the point of enchantment.
Comedy should make light of certain things; it’s an important function of the genre. At the same time, antisemitic tropes are exactly that: antisemitic tropes.
Mort was a father of American comedy, and one of my favorite artists.
“We assume these large online booksellers do not mass-market books promoting terrorism or pedophilia,” Rabbi Abraham Cooper, Associate Dean and Director of Global Social Action Agenda at the Wiesenthal Center, said in a statement.
At the October 7 event, CCFP honored a few powerful voices in music today, praising their work in not losing sight of the big picture that music plays in affecting people — ultimately dubbing them “Ambassadors of Peace.”
Halloween was my first introduction into the world of the truly secular, and of American culture itself (however commercialized).