Growing up in Jewish Boyle Heights
“Boyle Heights wasn’t just a geographical term, it was a mind-set.” So says Abraham (Abe) Hoffman, and he should know.
“Boyle Heights wasn’t just a geographical term, it was a mind-set.” So says Abraham (Abe) Hoffman, and he should know.
The European Union put out a carefully worded but clearly critical statement on the new Israeli boycott law on Wednesday, saying it intended to “discuss this matter and raise our concerns with the Israeli authorities.\”\n
Two Australians, including a former lawmaker, who were detained by Israeli authorities when trying to enter the country can remain, an Israeli court ruled.
Jewish organizations met to discuss taking political and legal action against proposed legislation to ban kosher slaughter in Holland.
A generational changing of the guard throughout North America’s largest Jewish charitable network is opening the door to new chief executives increasingly open to experimenting with changes to the century-old funding model favored by local federations.
When Mitchell Ross was a boy, he remembers his grandfather hanging out with the men’s club at his Conservative synagogue.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu defended Israel\’s new anti-boycott law from criticisms that it damages Israel\’s image and is anti-democratic.