Milken JCC board rejects Federation offer
Up to now, the New JCC at Milken has avoided closure and selling off its property, the fate of many former Los Angeles JCCs, because of its unique history.
Up to now, the New JCC at Milken has avoided closure and selling off its property, the fate of many former Los Angeles JCCs, because of its unique history.
Kenny G reads Hebrew, knows a thing or two about kabbalah and blows the shofar at shul annually. \”Because,\” he said, \”I am the only one who knows how.\”
I had been on more than 200 first dates in Los Angeles.
I\’d learned exactly what I was not looking for.
Jews bemoan the lack of context, the one-sidedness, the over-simplification and the focus on blood and gore that marks quite a bit of the media coverage of Israel. And the Muslims? To them, the media paints all Muslims as terrorists, offers superficial understanding of Islam and focuses on violence over culture and accomplishment.