September 21, 2006
One woman’s search for the meaning of life, the universe, and everything
I\’m probably one of the last people on earth who should be investigating questions such as \”Why are we here?\” and \”What is the meaning of life?\” See, I\’ve given up.
A dessert wine with a healthy finish
Several years before pomegranates became a favorite of health food fans everywhere, a family in Israel\’s Upper Galilee region began working to create a tastier and healthier version of the ancient fruit, only to cross their way into yet another huge food market. Their product: the world\’s first pomegranate wine fit to be sold to international wine connoisseurs
Youth services give kids a break — from their parents
At what age should kids should sit in the main sanctuary? That\’s a question that synagogues grapple with yearly, as they shuffle an everchanging set of services.
What are you thinking about this Rosh Hashanah?
Rosh Hashanah resolutions.
Su temple es mi casa
Non-Jews are common at many Jewish facilities, ensuring the smooth operation of our institutions — understanding and anticipating the needs of members, meeting the standards of our practices. But Guerrero\’s story is more than the tale of someone \”other\” who happens to work among \”us.\” To hear Guerrero tell it, he has learned both the most fundamental and profound of life\’s lessons by being among Jews.
A congregation grows in Whittier — Hispanic outreach blooms
As the jewish population in the area east of Los Angeles has dwindled — and as the Conservative congregation has aged — Rabbi Haim Dov Beliak has reached out to the Spanish-speaking community in the area.
Rabbi Carron brightens prisoners’ darkest days
With any luck, Daniel will be spending Rosh Hashanah on the outside. It\’s likely he\’ll soon be making the transition from jail to the recovery program at Beit T\’Shuva, a nonprofit that works with at-risk youth.
Jewish bond doesn’t draw all to Holiday observances
Statistically, 39 percent of all American Jews, and 44 percent of all Jewish college students, do not attend religious services, according to the 2000-2001 National Jewish Population Survey.
September is a struggle for interfaith families
The difficulties of being in an interfaith family.