Through Jewish Eyes
Authors Cherie Bennett and Jeff Gottesfeld remember the exact moment they conceived the idea for their latest book, \”Anne Frank and Me.\”
Authors Cherie Bennett and Jeff Gottesfeld remember the exact moment they conceived the idea for their latest book, \”Anne Frank and Me.\”
Believe in the Exodus story or not, believe in the Oslo peace process or not, but you have to believe in Jewish Community Centers.
With the mayoral election less than three weeks away, the Jewish vote is ready for its closeup.
For the first time in the history of the state, Arabs in Israel stood up for a moment of silence — commemorating Al Nakba — Arabic for \”the catastrophe,\” which is what Palestinians call the 1948 creation of the State of Israel.
After strenuous protests by Holocaust survivor groups, backed by virtually the entire Israeli political spectrum, the decision was taken last week to look for an alternative to the Wagner concert that had been scheduled for this summer\’s Israel Festival, the country\’s annual international cultural showcase.
Regardless of whether the mother is Jewish, most interfaith families — even those raising their children as Jews — incorporate substantial Christian celebrations into their lives, often including more Christian aspects as the couple and their children age.
I\’ve now spent a total of 24 hours in something called \”down dog,\” but I\’m still terrible at yoga.
Each film in this justly praised series presents an unusual situation standing in oblique relationship to one of the Ten Commandments.
It is summer, a long time ago, and I am lying on a terrace overlooking an ancient garden full of rosebushes and fruit trees. The days have been so hot, the asphalt on the sidewalk melts under my feet if I dare step out of the house. At night, the temperature drops. My sisters and I take the hose to the yard and stand there as the day\’s heat rises out of the brick floor in a cloud of white steam. My mother spreads our bed on the terrace, and we crawl into it, hours before we can actually fall asleep. We thrash about in the cool sheets that smell of dust, summer and lavender bleach; listen to the music that drifts up from our grandmother\’s radio downstairs; eat fresh mulberries we have picked from the tree in our own yard.