
Commemorations to mark Kahane assassination

A commemoration of the 20th anniversary of Rabbi Meir Kahane\'s murder will be held in a Jerusalem hotel, despite opposition. The memorial event for the leader of the extremist right-wing Kach Party is scheduled for Tuesday evening at the Jerusalem Ramada Renaissance Hotel. The event is titled \"Kahane was right.\"
October 26, 2010

A commemoration of the 20th anniversary of Rabbi Meir Kahane’s murder will be held in a Jerusalem hotel, despite opposition.

The memorial event for the leader of the extremist right-wing Kach Party is scheduled for Tuesday evening at the Jerusalem Ramada Renaissance Hotel. The event is titled “Kahane was right.”

Kahane, who advocated transferring Arabs out of Israel, was shot and killed by an Egyptian-American assassin following a speech in New York City in November 1990.

Some 500 people are expected to attend the event, including lawmakers, family members and rabbis.

The hotel upon discovering that the memorial was a community event had said it would cancel the commemoration because it had been booked as a family event. The Ramada Renaissance then said it could not cancel due to legal issues, Haaretz reported.

Meanwhile, the words “Kahane was right” were spray-painted Tuesday in 20 locations in the city of Jaffa and in several places in northern Israel.

The Kach Party was outlawed in Israel after Kahane was killed; the United States considers it a terrorist group.

On Wednesday, a demonstration to commemorate the assassination anniversary is scheduled to be held by ultranationalists Baruch Marzel and Itamar Ben-Gvir in the Arab city of Umm el-Fahm. Thousands of police officers will secure the demonstration.

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