This is a very touchy subject for the American Jewish community. Just the mention of his name is an embarrassing subject. It envokes the images of dual loyalty and makes makes the tuchus’ of Jews across America very uncomfortable.
Jonathan Pollard is a convicted spy. This American Jew’s crime was spying for Israel. Jonathan Pollard despite pleading guilty without a trial, was sentenced to life in prison. He has spent the last 26 years behind bars in prison. It’s time he is released.
For everyone involved the case was devastingly embarrassing. For Israel spying on its closest ally, for American Jews what would the American public say. Would we be accused of dual loyalty? Banned from certain high level jobs in the government? Everyone was quick to condemn the man. I was one of those people who thought that they should lock him up and throw away the key. He gave the Israeli government tens of thousands of classified documents and caused harmful damage to American security interests.
However, I believe that after 26 years which is one of the longest served sentence for convicted spies in recent history, its time to release him.
The Israeli government has bestowed citizenship on him and Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren visited him earlier in the week. Over 70 Knesset Members have signed a bill urging his release. Many prominent Americans and politicians have also called for his release. I join the chorus. -LL