
One Israeli Creation for the Weekend

March 15, 2013

Charlie VaHetzi (Charlie and a Half) is a 1974 Israeli comedy and cult movie. The movie was directed by Boaz Davidson and stars Israeli comedians Yehuda Barkan and Ze'ev Revach. If you like Israeli culture, this iconic film is it. It belongs to the long list of “Israeli classics” from the 60's and 70's called “Bourekas Films”, which were defined by journalist Uri Klein as a “peculiarly Israeli genre of comic melodramas or tearjerkers… based on ethnic stereotypes.”

Charlie Va'Hetzi is one big comic relief which tells the story of the special relationship between Charlie, a professional street con man who passes himself off as a rich businessman, and Miko, a child who spends his time with Charlie instead of going to school. The plot follows Charlie's attempt to conquer the heart of Gila, a rich girl whose parents try to matchmake her to an American millionaire somewhat against her will.


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