

A Father’s Loss

Against the Dying of the Light: A Father\’s Journey through Loss\” by Leonard Fein (Jewish Lights Publishing, $19.95)

Through Jewish Eyes

Authors Cherie Bennett and Jeff Gottesfeld remember the exact moment they conceived the idea for their latest book, \”Anne Frank and Me.\”

New Aspects of Anne

\nLet\’s say it right up front: The four-hour television miniseries \”Anne Frank\” is the most powerful film on the Holocaust in recent memory, not excepting the fabled \”Schindler\’s List.\”

Exploring Faith’s Price

\”Love and Liberation: When the Jews Tore Down the Ghetto Walls\” by Ralph David Fertig (Writers Club Press, $17.95)

On Jan. 9, 1807, Prince Jerome of Prussia decreed that the fortifications of the ancient city of Breslau could be destroyed. After 540 years of isolation, the Jews of Breslau tore down the ghetto gates. Under Napoleonic law, they were now free to pursue their religion while becoming citizens of the state.

Journey’s End

Lunda Hoyle Gill sat in her spare room at a Westwood assisted-living center, the last stop on her remarkable life journey.\n\nThe artist once traveled to the remotest parts of the globe, racing to paint indigenous peoples before they disappeared. But that was before cancer ravaged her gut and Parkinson\’s disease crippled her fingers. Today, at 72, the artist can no longer paint. She can barely walk or hold a spoon.

Prostate Cancer: A View From The Trenches

In an effort to give men facing prostate cancer a true understanding of the emotional and physical trials in store, Leon Prochnik spares no details.

Exploring the Inexplicable

It is only with tremendous effort that we can dissect the nature and components of the first systematic, industrialized, determined, ideologically inspired and directed effort to thoroughly eliminate a group of \”racially\” identified people.

IBM Response Demanded

The revelations in my book "IBM and the Holocaust" sprang upon the world Feb. 12. The book documented IBM\’s strategic business and consultative alliance with Nazi Germany beginning from the first moment of the Hitler regime in 1933 and continuing right into the war.

Nighttime Devotion

During the past few years, an effort has been made to retrieve women\’s devotional literature and present it to a contemporary Jewish world.

Success and Shopping

From her autobiography it is clear that sex and shopping have played an important role in Judith Krantz\’s actual life, too.

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More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.