

A Drink from the Same Cup

If the pursuit of peace in the Middle East will not unite the parties concerned, then one life-sustaining element may. Israeli, Arab and American researchers and engineers have come together to find ways to produce more potable water for agricultural use, as demands for supplies of Middle Eastern and Californian freshwater continue to increase.


Letters to the Editor


Letters to the editor


\”This is a story about my brother, Moriel. Moriel has autism.

A Future So Bright

Meet the class of 1998. This month, they leave high school behind and careen toward adult life.


It\’s likely no statewide candidate today, including California\’s two Jewish Senators and gubernatorial rival Jane Harman, has culivated more ties to LA\’s Jewish elites than Davis.



The Soundtrack for Life and Love

One in three Israeli families ownat least one David Broza recording; for two generations of Israelis,Broza provided the soundtrack for life and love.


Letters to the Editor

More news and opinions than at a
Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.