March 15, 2013

A friend gave me a little list of affirmations. I printed it out. Read the first one, and stopped. It was a simple notion about unconditional love. A phrase that always trips me up. For reasons I have spent great amounts of time and money figuring out. I thought how interesting that this phrase would be the first on the list, something that offers me such challenge. I made a mental note to think about that one later, and moved on to my emails.

The first one I read was from an old friend. I noticed immediately how my breathing changed.  Familiar feelings of inadequecy bombarded me so that I had to take a seat on the floor of my  small closet. The connection hit. Here was a trigger moment to give that first challenging affirmation a chance .

We are often granted opportunities rather than the actual things we think we want. I loved this idea- “OPPORTUNITIES ARE USUALLY DISGUISED AS HARD WORK, SO MOST PEOPLE DON’T RECOGNIZE THEM.” (Ann Landes)

I was lucky enough this morning to be given the gift of connection. Painful as it is sometimes to rehash and relearn, it is quite fulfilling to have those moments when the mind’s meanderings can come into the light and be investigated. I am grateful for the daily asana (posture) practice, as it has lead me deeper to an inner practice.

Hope you have a good couple weeks of inner practice. I will be gone from:


In gratitude,


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