
Palin gets feminist endorsement, says Obama would ‘pal around with terrorists’

October 5, 2008

Sarah Palin was in town yesterday for a rally in Carson. In the following video, which is after the jump, Shelly Mandell, the L.A. president of the National Organization for Women says Palin is “what a feminist looks like.”

Mandell gets booed when she says she is a lifelong Democrat, “but I know Sarah Palin cares about women’s rights, she cares about equality, she cares about equal pay, and as vice president she will fight for it. … Change must come to Washington and Sarah Palin has what it takes to lead that charge. … She is a reformer who will break up that ol’ boys network.”

What the video doesn’t show is Palin’s comment that Barack Obama would “pal around with terrorists.”

Sadly, this passes as political rhetoric. We’ve heard before from John McCain that Obama would endanger Israel because he’s not hardline enough. I disagree. Of course, this association still draws suspicion that Obama seeks to change American course in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and his connection to Bill Ayers doesn’t help his street cred. But Palin has definitely taken past claims to a new level.

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