
nuclear deal

Opposition to Iran deal grows among U.S. Republicans

Opposition to a nuclear pact between Iran and major powers grew among U.S. Republicans over the past month, a Reuters poll showed, reflecting a partisan struggle in Congress as President Barack Obama sought to win approval for the deal.

IAEA received ‘substantive’ data from Iran this month

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said on Tuesday it received substantive amounts of information from Iran aimed at quelling concerns its nuclear past had military elements, although it was too early to say whether any of it is new.

Our fight over Iran: Kishkes vs Sechel

The Jewish community is used to intense internal debates, but our fight over the Iran nuclear deal has taken us to new levels of divisiveness. Why is that?

Why we disagree with Chuck Schumer on the Iran deal

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), a key voice in the Democratic Party leadership, has announced that he will not support the international agreement designed to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon.

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