

Israel moots security cooperation with Lebanese military

Israel\’s military said on Wednesday it was exploring the possibility of cooperating with the Lebanese army to counter Sunni Islamist militants, even though the two countries remain technically at war.\n

Syria calls for U.N. sanctions on Israel over air strikes

Syria asked the United Nations Security Council on Monday to impose sanctions on neighboring Israel, a day after accusing the Jewish state of bombing areas near Damascus international airport and in the town of Dimas, near the border with Lebanon.

Lebanon detains wife of Islamic State leader

The Lebanese army detained a wife and daughter of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as they crossed from Syria nine days ago, security officials said on Tuesday, in a move seen as likely to put pressure on the Islamist chief.

L.A.’s Iranian Jews must launch new Iran advocacy campaign

Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to speak to a Southern California Christian group about the significant human rights violations that the Iranian regime has waged against the Christians, Jews and other religious minorities living in Iran today.

Hezbollah says border attack was message to Israel

An attack by Hezbollah on Lebanon\’s border with Israel which wounded two Israeli soldiers was a message that the group remained ready to confront its old foe despite its engagement in Syria\’s civil war, the group\’s deputy leader said.

Israel’s anti-rocket hit ‘Iron Dome’ a slow sell abroad

Normally, an advanced new weapon system with a battle-proven success rate of 90 percent would have global defense procurement agencies on the phone in minutes. But Israel\’s Iron Dome rocket interceptor is yet to prove a hit with buyers abroad.

Israel raises alarm over Islamist militants on its frontiers

Israel\’s frontier with Syria, where militants have kidnapped 45 U.N. peacekeepers, has become a magnet for Islamist activity and Israel itself is now a target, the defense minister and security analysts said on Tuesday.

Despite Syria rift, Hezbollah pledges full support to Hamas

Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah pledged full support on Friday to the Palestinian group Hamas in its conflict with Israel despite a deep rift between the two militant organizations over the civil war in Syria.

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More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.