
After attacks on Jews in New Jersey, hightened security—and anxiety

As Jews in some northern New Jersey communities made their way to synagogue last Shabbat, the scene was slightly different from the typical day of rest. Extra police cars were on patrol near synagogues. At Bnei Yeshurun in Teaneck, a new buzzer system had been installed. And at Ahavath Torah in Englewood, a phalanx of security guards stood sentry.

Security is everyone’s responsibility

The flurry of commentary about an outbreak of hostilities between Iran and the United States or Israel has overlooked a critical issue — the security implications for the American Jewish community. Any military conflict could not only transform the geopolitical situation in the Middle East but also directly affect our own institutions and community here in the United States.

Israel Police on high alert ahead of Yom Kippur

Israel Police have been holding talks with Israeli Arab representatives in bid to diffuse tensions ahead of Yom Kippur, after the burning of an Upper-Galilee mosque earlier this week. Police hope that calm will be restored in time for Yom Kippur on Saturday.

A timely story of oil, its future and political impact

Tension in the Middle East encompasses lots more than the security of Israel’s borders. That tension is also linked inextricably to oil production and consumption within Israel and its Arab neighboring nations.

If your gut tells you something seems suspicious, report it

On Aug. 30, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) held its annual security meeting at its Los Angeles headquarters to advise local Jewish leaders on possible threats facing the community in advance of the High Holy Days.

Bin Laden's killing raises immediate questions of security

For years after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, many Americans waited in fear for the next strike by al-Qaida on U.S. soil. But the ensuing decade has seen no more major terrorist attacks in the United States. Now, with the news that Osama bin Laden has been killed in Pakistan by U.S. forces, the question many American Jews are considering is whether the liquidation of al-Qaida’s leader makes a follow-up attack more or less likely, and whether Jews could be a target.

Security fence near Bil’in being moved

Work to change the route of the security fence near the Palestinian village of Bil\’in, the site of weekly protests, is nearly complete. The move, which will place more land under Palestinian control, will be completed in two months, the Israeli army said Wednesday. Israel\’s Supreme Court had ordered the move nearly four years ago.

Ross: Turmoil sharpens Israeli needs for security guarantees

The recent Middle East turmoil has sharpened Israeli needs for tangible security guarantees in exchange for concessions to the Palestinians, Dennis Ross said. Ross, President Obama’s top Middle East adviser, told the Anti-Defamation League’s annual leadership conference in Washington on Monday that security guarantees sought by Israel toward a peace deal with the Palestinians were critical, “particularly during a time of change.”

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