
Israel beefs up troops on Egyptian border

Israel\’s military has increased its presence on the border with Egypt over fears that terrorists and migrants will take advantage of the unrest in Egypt to cross into Israel.

Britian to fund security at Jewish schools

Britain\’s government will fund extra security for Jewish schools. The new funds, for security personnel, will be in addition to the security measures already supplied to government-funded parochial schools, the BBC reported on Thursday. Parents at the Jewish schools until now have been pooling funds to pay for the guards to enhance standard measures, including cameras, fences and gates.

Israel facing grim threat assessment for 2009

Delivering a grim threat assessment for 2009, the Israeli National Security Council (NSC) said that Israel in 2009 may well find itself alone, facing Iran on the threshold of nuclear power, fighting rocket attacks on two fronts and without a Palestinian partner for a two-state solution.

Obama administration must pursue Mideast peace

In the course of his campaign, Obama turned to the Jewish community to declare his support for Israel, saying that Israel\’s security is \”paramount.\”\nBut if he really believes this to be true, he will have to understand that words of support are not enough. He will have to work to achieve the one thing that can bring the Jewish state true security: true peace.

Flag Day

It\’s a fact of life: Israel\’s blue and white is a red flag for the fanatics. Wave it, and they are likely to charge.

Keep our shuls safe but still friendly

While security presence on the High Holy Days is non-negotiable for most Jewish institutions, there are ways we can open our gates even with the presence of security.

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