
UCSD Student Gov’t Passes IHRA

February 26, 2021
Geisel Library at UCSD (Photo by flickr.com/photos/belisario/ Wikimedia Commons)

The UC San Diego student government passed a resolution on February 24 endorsing the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of anti-Semitism.

The resolution passed unanimously; it had 60 co-sponsors and 10 students spoke in favor of it. No one spoke out against it.

StandWithUs co-founder and CEO Roz Rothstein said in a statement to the Journal, “StandWithUs is so proud of our Emerson Fellow Sivan Barashy, who sponsored the resolution and got all seven UCSD colleges to co-sponsor. She and her fellow Jewish and pro-Israel students spoke at the hearing. We commend them for their efforts to educate their student government and community about antisemitism and the need to define it.  We applaud UCSD’s student government for adopting the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism. This is a wonderful step in supporting the Jewish community on campus and combating antisemitism when it occurs.”

The passage of the IHRA resolution comes on the heels of a similar resolution passing the UC Santa Barbara student senate on February 3. The Kentucky General Assembly also passed a resolution endorsing IHRA on February 25.

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