
June 28, 2023

A Strong Man and a Warrior

Sir Ben Helfgott, and Joshua Kaufman, both Holocaust survivors, died recently, days apart, on opposite sides of the globe.

A Future Jewish President?

If Josh Shapiro, the newly elected Democratic governor of Pennsylvania, did become president, whether next year or further in the future, he would be the nation’s first Jewish president.

Red, Blue and White

At my core I am an American, specifically a Jewish-American. By  encouraging my hyphenated identity, my country has helped facilitate my attachment to Zionism, even as I have come to realize how much I differ from Israelis.

The Rudderless Jews

In the United States, where crimes of hate mostly strike Jewish targets, and with violent antisemitism making a disquieting comeback, no one stands guard on the wall.

More news and opinions than at a
Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.