My Doves Are Your Doves – A poem for Parsha Tazria-Metzora
I am not a communist…
I am not a communist…
And so, I’ve planned my own trip to Morocco this spring.
I’m not an abortion provider, but I do have a long acquaintance with mifepristone, AKA RU 486, the abortion drug now entangled in federal court rulings.
Jews should never be silent in the face of hatred, whether it is directed to us or to any vulnerable group
One of the threads in “God on Psychedelics” is Lattin’s deep dive into the growing number of groups using entheogens as their sacrament.
“Texas’s anti-boycott law is both constitutional and, unfortunately, increasingly necessary as the radical left becomes increasingly hostile and antagonistic toward Israel.” – Attorney General Ken Paxton
As it marks its 75th anniversary, Israel has begun – for the first time – a process that may lead to a new constitution and a rebirth of the Zionist state. Can it renew itself without more civil strife?
These fighters gave up their lives to build a better Jewish future, where other young Jews can walk proudly and without apology wherever they go.
Those wonderful, lovable, resilient women who hold a lifetime of pain, joy, complaints (all of them valid) and wisdom.