
January 21, 2022

As Long as Jews Succeed, They Will Attract Hate

It’s possible that even without this nefarious view of the all-powerful Jew, there is enough in “Jewish success” to fuel plenty of envy and Jew-hatred.

Local Jewish Women Organize Brianna Kupfer Memorial

The vigil on January 20 drew dozens of attendees, including local leaders like Los Angeles City Attorney Mike Feuer, Former Los Angeles City Council Member Zev Yaroslavsky and Sam Yebri and Katy Young Yaroslavsky, who are both running for Los Angeles City Council in the 5th district.

Campus Double Standards and the Need to Protect Jewish and Zionist Students

The anti-Zionist motivated verbal harassment of Jewish and pro-Israel students is generally treated as free speech and ignored or downplayed by school administrators, while similarly harassing speech directed at other minority groups is addressed promptly and vigorously, with the harassers duly disciplined.

UN Passes Israel-Sponsored Resolution Condemning Holocaust Denial

The resolution defined Holocaust denial in part as “intentional efforts to excuse or minimize the impact of the Holocaust or its principal elements” and urged UN members to rebuff “any denial or distortion of the Holocaust as a historical event.”

Fleeing Arab Lands

Before the State of Israel was declared, and especially afterward, with each succeeding war, life became increasingly unbearable for Jews in Arab lands where they had lived for centuries and even millennia.

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More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.