
February 17, 2016

‘Spotlight’ on Marty Baron’s crusade

The Academy Award-nominated drama “Spotlight” tells how a team of Boston Globe journalists uncovered rampant child sexual abuse by priests and the cover-up by the Catholic Church.

Calendar: February 19-25

Robert Silverman, director of the U.S. State Department’s Office of Regional and Multilateral Affairs in the Near Eastern Affairs Bureau, is the Temple Etz Chaim Men’s Club’s scholar-in-residence this weekend.

California, Israel to partner on stem cell research

Doctors, dignitaries and officials representing Israel and California convened at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center on Feb. 8 to witness the signing of an agreement between Israel’s Ministry of Science and the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) to collaborate on stem cell research.

‘Zero Days’ director says U.S. government secrecy trend ‘appalling’

counts of several NSA insiders, that Stuxnet was just the tip of the iceberg.\n\n\”I mean you\’ve been focusing on Stuxnet but that was just part of a much larger operation… Nitro Zeus, NZ,\” an actress says in the film, speaking for several NSA employees who were interviewed but whose identity was kept secret for source protection.\n\nAccording to these accounts, the NSA spent \”hundreds of millions, maybe billions\” on Nitro Zeus to be prepared for the eventuality that Israel decided to attack Iran and the United States would be drawn into the conflict.

New study: Sperm quality damaged by cellphones

A groundbreaking study carried out in Haifa suggests that regularly talking on a cellphone for more than an hour a day, and talking on the phone when it is connected to a charger, doubles the likelihood of a decrease in sperm concentration from 33.3 percent to 66.7 percent

Orthodox rabbi addresses transgender issues

The transgender rights movement has become a hot-button topic in popular culture and among liberal religious institutions, so much so that the Union for Reform Judaism last fall passed a monumental transgender rights policy that called for spreading “awareness and increase knowledge of issues related to gender identity,” including the use of preferred pronouns and, when needed, gender-neutral language in religious and social settings.

U.S. planned major cyber attack on Iran if diplomacy failed

The United States had a plan for an extensive cyber attack on Iran in case diplomatic attempts to curtail its nuclear program failed, The New York Times reported on Tuesday, citing a forthcoming documentary and military and intelligence officials.

JVS Says goodbye to longtime CEO

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median American worker stays at the same job for about five years.

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More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.