
March 12, 2015


The one dish I could never get into at Passover was the Tzimmes, so for the first Passover at The Meatball Shop, I made an updated version that I think is really delicious.

Gefilte quenelles with braised leeks and lemon zest

Jeff’s grandmother, Alice Solomon, used to make gefilte fish from the fresh northern pike that Jeff’s grandfather Lester would catch in the lake outside their summer cabin in Wisconsin.

Netanyahu favorable rating plummets among U.S. Democratic voters

U.S. favorability ratings for Benjamin Netanyahu among likely U.S. voters dropped dramatically among those who lean Democratic in the aftermath of the Israeli prime minister’s speech to the U.S. Congress, a Gallup poll showed.

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More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.