Jews and the birth of Film Noir
The 1942 classic “Casablanca” follows a complicated love story between two star-crossed lovers, played by Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman.
The 1942 classic “Casablanca” follows a complicated love story between two star-crossed lovers, played by Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman.
On the day after the Sept. 23 UN Climate Change Summit in New York, sunset will bring the High Holy Days to Jews around the world.
The New York Times columnist David Brooks reveals his son is in the IDF
The golden age of Hollywood taught me about war, crime, natural disasters— and what was funny about America.
In my 20s, I studied French culture and became enamored of what the French call “la rentrée littéraire.”
If you want to track down Louis Davidson, try the local synagogue.
As we approached Rosh Hashanah last week, we read the double Torah portion called Nitzavim-Vayelekh, which includes the verse, \”Life and death I set before you, the blessing and the curse. Choose life, in order that you and your seed will live!\” (Deut. 30:19)
Chances are, even if you haven’t seen the movies, you can picture the costumes.