
September 22, 2014

Jews and the birth of Film Noir

The 1942 classic “Casablanca” follows a complicated love story between two star-crossed lovers, played by Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman.

My 1930s education at the movies

The golden age of Hollywood taught me about war, crime, natural disasters— and what was funny about America.

Noteworthy books for the new year

In my 20s, I studied French culture and became enamored of what the French call “la rentrée littéraire.”

Climate change is a Jewish issue

As we approached Rosh Hashanah last week, we read the double Torah portion called Nitzavim-Vayelekh, which includes the verse, \”Life and death I set before you, the blessing and the curse. Choose life, in order that you and your seed will live!\” (Deut. 30:19)

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