August 17, 2011
Letters to the Editor: Circumcision, Zionism, Breed Street, Dennis Prager
Letters to the editor
Young professionals learn tools for Israel advocacy
BINA LA, the young leadership division of the Israeli Leadership Council, which seeks to develop community among Jewish American and Israeli professionals through intellectual salons, celebrated its first anniversary with the first Israel Advocacy Conference, held at The Mark in Pico-Robertson on Aug. 14.
Israel’s new social contract
High and inclusive growth is Israel’s shared national goal, with the objective of becoming one of the 15 leading countries in terms of quality of life. The test of progress will be the accumulation of financial, human and social capital by all citizens and, particularly, children.
Israelis awakening to the power of grass-roots activism
On a recent Saturday night, my wife and I waded into a sea of 6,000 protesters in Modiin as part of 12 other similarly staged rallies across Israel to demand social justice and greater accountability from our elected officials in Israel.
Lieberman: Israel’s rejection of apology to Turkey came too late
Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman praised the decision by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday not to apologize to Turkey for last year\’s Gaza flotilla raid, but said Israel should have done so earlier.
Israel’s breakthrough opportunity
Over the past five weeks, Israelis have erected thousands of tents in 78 sites across Israel. Hundreds of thousands of citizens of all political, racial, economic and geographic backgrounds have taken to the streets, enjoying more than 80 percent public support.
Britain’s sick society
Watching the ferocious criminality displayed during the riots in British cities during the past weeks, one might be forgiven for thinking that this explosion of mob violence was taking place in some dilapidated god-forsaken Third World country.