
November 10, 2010

Jewish Funds for Justice launches web video to inspire empathy

Recently, the nonprofit group Jewish Funds for Justice (JFSJ) launched a bipartisan Web video, “Al Tirah!” with the hope of encouraging people to vote during the midterm elections, but the organization wants the message of the film — that people should feel empathy for others, rather than fear — to resonate beyond Nov. 2.

Camarillo Chabad awarded $635,000 to fight drug abuse

Chabad of Camarillo, located just outside the planned senior community of Leisure Village, is receiving a federal grant of $625,000 to prevent teen drug abuse in Ventura County. It will also receive $10,000 in county funds to focus specifically on prescription drug abuse.

Pluralism and Tikkun Olam come to Santa Monica, Venice

Jessica Youseffi and Sarah Shahawy, two undergraduate students at the University of Southern California (USC), discussed how the teachings of Judaism and Islam, their respective religions, obligate them to accept people of other faiths and to work toward tikkun olam.

UC President says Muslim student groups’ anti-Semitism can’t be censored

Addressing the tension between free speech and hate speech on University of California campuses at a forum in Orange County, UC President Mark Yudof told a Jewish group that university administrators cannot censor anti-Semitism propagated by Muslim student groups, even while he condemns the hateful rhetoric arising from their anti-Israel programs.

Valley Jewish war vets fight an old enemy on the home front: Invisibility

They fought in World War II, Korea and Vietnam. They served in the United States Army, Navy and the Army Air Corps — the precursor to the Air Force. A few flew through anti-aircraft fire over Nazi Germany, another marched over mountains during the coldest winter of the Korean War. One even watched the Bay of Pigs Invasion from the deck of a disguised aircraft carrier floating “spitting distance” from the shores of Cuba.

Clinton: Mideast peace deal still possible and necessary

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Wednesday that a peace deal in the Middle East was still possible and necessary, despite a renewed row over Israeli construction on land the Palestinians want for a state.

Jay Feinberg wins Jewish Community Hero contest

Jay Feinberg, founder of the Gift of Life Bone Marrow Foundation, has been tapped as the Jewish Community Hero. The announcement was made Tuesday in New Orleans at the General Assembly of the Jewish Federations of North America, which sponsored the online competition.

California’s big chance on the national stage

Everybody knows by now that California swam against the tide on Election Day, giving Democrats a near sweep of statewide offices. But what’s even more important is what this will mean for national governance over the next two years.

Controversial author speaks at Kristallnacht rite

A German-born French author seen as an unfair critic of Israel was among the speakers at Kristallnacht commemorations in Germany. Alfred Grosser, 85, spoke in Frankfurt at the annual remembrance ceremony in St Paul\’s Church, and according to reports used his podium to call for \”sympathy in understanding the suffering in the Gaza Strip.\” German Jewish leaders had ripped the choice of Grosser, saying he has unfairly criticized the Jewish state. A threatened walkout during his talk did not materialize.

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