
November 20, 1997

Honor Thy Father

Yvonne Sylva Maritza Josephine Kálmán, sixtyish,blond and glamorous, is named for all her father\’s favorite operettaheroines. So perhaps not surprisingly, she has dedicated much of herlife to seeing that her father\’s operettas have been performed allover the world.

Making a Noise

In every other Mickey Rooney-Judy Garland movie, there came apoint when one or the other would pipe up with, \”Hey, kids, let\’s puton a show,\” followed by a glitzy Hollywood production number.

Netanyahu’s Day in L.A.

Telescoping a planned two-day visit into one day to keep his datewith the Jordanian monarch, Netanyahu displayed unflagging stamina, aquick sense of humor, and considerable deftness in turning asideunpleasant questions from polite but generally undemonstrativeaudiences.

Mission Accomplished

The largest Israeli mission ever launched by the Jewish FederationCouncil of Greater Los Angeles, and the biggest North Americancontingent this year, returned home last week, with organizers in astate bordering on euphoria and participants exhausted but mostlypleased with their experience.

Madonna, Motherhood and Judaism

Dear Madonna:
Is it possible that I saw you at Sinai? The Jewish mysticaltradition, which you have been exploring, teaches that the souls ofall Jews for all generations — including converts to Judaism –stood at Mount Sinai when our covenant with God was affirmed. Couldthe Jewish soul of Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone be trapped in thebody of a rebellious Catholic?

An American Story

At the heart of \’A Life Apart: Hasidism in America\’ is aculture war that mirrors the conflict in today\’s Jewish community

Talk to the Soldiers

It\’s a long way from an Israeli combat platoon to Newport Beach,but Inbal Adar and Tsahi Levi are trying to bridge the geographicaland cultural gap.\n\nBoth Adar, 20 years old, blond and in a miniskirt, and Levi, 22,ruggedly handsome and in jeans, are lieutenants in combat infantryunits of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).

The City by

Once-sleepy Haifa is now a tourist mecca, and MayorAmram Mitzna is spreading the word

The Jewish Community: What To Do Next?

Two of America\’s most admired mayors, Democrat Ed Rendell ofPhiladelphia and Republican Stephen Goldsmith of Indianapolis, cametogether on a stage at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolison Nov. 17 to talk with Jewish community leaders from across thecountry about how their two cities work and what Israel might learnfrom them.

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