Up Front
Dr. Susan Marilyn Block is a nice Jewish girl, who talks about sex on late-night cable TV. From Esther to… Dr. Suzy?\n
Dr. Susan Marilyn Block is a nice Jewish girl, who talks about sex on late-night cable TV. From Esther to… Dr. Suzy?\n
You read me! You really read me!
When I perused the stack of letters in response to my recent column on the difficulty of finding friends in a new city, I not only felt less like a huge loser, but I was reminded what it means to have a community. When I question why being Jewish is important, I will look at those letters and know.
About the time one is tempted to feel a wee bit sorry for the Swiss over the barrage of flak they\’re now getting, along comes a new probe of the country\’s conduct during World War II to set the blood boiling again.
I see that it\’s time for the media to replay the perennial horror story known as The Dying Jew.
There we were, my family, 11 anarchists cruising down to Ensenada for four days on the Viking Serenade, celebrating my mother\’s 85th birthday. I roomed with the birthday girl in one of those cabins where you have to yell, \”Watch out!\” when you exit the lavatory.
Members of a small and select club were remembered and honored on Monday with the opening of the exhibit \”Visas for Life: The Righteous Diplomats\” at the Simon Wiesenthal Center.