Dear all,
I looked at my calendar recently and realized that I was booked back to back the entire day. It was gratifying in that I was doing important things. But it was also scary… Why? Because I hadn't set a priority for perhaps the most important meeting – a meeting with my soul.
A meeting with the soul should be fixed on all our calendars. It's not about finding the time. Rather, it's about making the time.
It could be a one hour walk or bike ride.
It could be twenty minutes reading an article or listening to music.
It could be five mintues to stretch our bodies.
It could be even just a moment in time to concentrate on mindfulness and breathing.
Making time to be is not consumptive. It is grounding. The Hebrew name of God derives from the verb “To Be.” And as we are in God's image, the very act of just being allows us to connect with the Eternal when we allow ourselves to stop.
With love and shalom,
Rabbi Zach Shapiro