The New ‘Différend’: How Bernard-Henri Lévy’s Campus Tour Clarified the Stakes
Lévy’s body of work offers a roadmap for understanding and confronting the challenges facing both Israel and the broader democratic world.
Lévy’s body of work offers a roadmap for understanding and confronting the challenges facing both Israel and the broader democratic world.
A recent LA Times piece by music critic Mark Swed erases the suffering of Israelis.
The past decade has seen the DSA—not well-known in American political discourse until proud socialist Bernie Sanders ran for president in 2015—become one of the more important forces of leftist politics, not to mention one of the most anti-Jewish.
It turns out that the brutal hit resulting in the suspension of an NFL player is not the only kind of violence the culprit embraces—he also appears to endorse Hamas violence.
Decorum went from black tie to black eye. There was no greater evidence of the alarming decline of Western civilization. And at Oxford, of all places, which imagines itself as its cradle.
The antisemite is the most extreme and enduring symptom of a society in crisis.
When did education become about repetition of the teacher’s belief, the sorting of everything into binaries good/evil, oppressor/oppressed, victim/aggressor?
An American left that embraces vigilante executions is a political movement that has abandoned any pretenses of caring about democracy.
Amnesty International’s most recent self-described “landmark” report concludes that Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinians in Gaza.
Anti-Palestinian Racism (APR), its proponents claim, is the erasure, silencing, defaming or stereotyping of Palestinians and their allies.