Remembering a “Daughter of Africa”
Olga Meshoe Washington’s passing last week devastated friends and loved ones worldwide.
Tabby Refael (on Twitter @RefaelTabby) is a Los Angeles based writer, speaker and activist.
Olga Meshoe Washington’s passing last week devastated friends and loved ones worldwide.
That’s the thing about fire. It consumes everything in its path. And that includes hate, political divisions and artificial city limit lines separating Angelenos.
Yesh Tikva hopes to end the silence over infertility in the Jewish community.
For me, “The Simpsons” is the best show in television history … that should have stopped producing new episodes 20 years ago.
“Hanukkah Pajamakkahs” is bold and vibrant and deliciously messy.
Adults are discussing some of the biggest headlines today and expressing shock, confusion and, in some cases, repulsion.
In a Jewish community as warm and supportive as the one we are blessed to know in West Los Angeles, no family celebrates a joyful milestone alone. Conversely, no family should struggle with illness or grief alone.
It was one of the worst calamities that could befall an Iranian: a massive recall of cucumbers, large and small.
Ron and Leetal Arazi founded New York Shuk in 2013 in Brooklyn by creating what they called a “couscous booth” in a large, open-air market called Smorgasburg NYC.
Instead of candied yams, we had Persian rice. Instead of green bean casserole, we had more Persian rice.