Let’s Blame the Jews
We’ve seen it before over the centuries: First you have the pogrom and then you blame the Jews.
We’ve seen it before over the centuries: First you have the pogrom and then you blame the Jews.
A survey of Chabad rabbis reports an explosion of Jewish commitment. Jews are coming out of the woodwork, synagogues are seeing a rise in attendance.
Israelis have been watching the court slide from being a bastion of justice to a culture of leftist legal supremacy.
The series is dishonest. It takes the story of one person’s family problems and besmirches an entire community.
Rabbi Lazer Nanes was sentenced to 20 years in a Siberian labor camp for the crime of teaching Torah. He still refused to eat bread on Pesach.
“Shah! Don’t be too Jewish” is how Charles Silberman described the dominant attitude of American Jews in his 1985 classic, “A Certain People.”
I chose not to attend Tarbut\’s trial of King David. Billed as \”the people against King David,\” it promised to be a trial that was \”3,000 years in the making.\”