Rabbis of L.A. | How Rabbi Brett Kopin Got Past His First Class Jitters
Rabbi Brett Kopin has been teaching at the Milken Community School for more than three years,
Rabbi Brett Kopin has been teaching at the Milken Community School for more than three years,
Rabbi Eli Broner, the confident, imaginative, broadly educated and experienced ninth grade dean at Shalhevet High School, puts himself into his work.
Her title might read “Rabbi Cantor,” but Temple Judea’s Alison Wissot knows that’s backwards.
“I never thought I would be in a pulpit,” Rabbi Gavriella Kornsgold said a year and a half after joining Sinai Temple, one of the community’s largest synagogues. Â
When asked to define himself, Rabbi Sholom Rodal, the voluble leader of the Chabad of Mt. Olympus limited himself to 32 words: “You have to do what works for you, your personal style, your capabilities.”
The Matriarchs of Jewish history — Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah — have officially gained equality with the Patriarchs in Conservative Judaism, thanks to Rabbi Joel Rembaum, the emeritus rabbi at Temple Beth Am.
With his seventh wartime mission to Israel scheduled after Sukkot ends, Rabbi Kahn looked back on his work since Oct. 7, 2023.
As Assistant Director of Israel Education for the Jewish Federation, Rabbi Micah Miller has a unique job: making friends for Israel in the non-Jewish school world by leading educators on an annual trip to the Jewish state.
Rabbi Moshe Esakhan’s motto is straightforward and practical: “Marry before 30.“
“I want to make it a hub for other communities to join.”