

Bombing at Moscow airport seen as terrorism [VIDEO]

A bombing at the busiest airport in Moscow that killed at least 31 and injured 130 is being called a terrorist attack by Russian officials. \”From the preliminary information we have, it was a terror attack,\” Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said of Monday\’s attack on the Domodedovo Airport in a televised briefing. Medvedev also said that those responsible for the attack would be \”tracked down and punished.\” All Moscow transportation services went on high alert following the attack. Israel canceled all flights to Moscow.

Israel kills Gaza terrorist in targeted attack

An operative of the Islamic Jihad terrorist organization involved in planning a massive attack on Israel was killed in a targeted attack, the Israeli military reported. Mohammed Najar, 25, was hit by an Israeli airstrike Tuesday while he was driving a motorcycle in the southern Gaza Strip, the Israeli Air Force reported. A second Palestinian was injured, according to reports citing Palestinian sources. Najar reportedly was planning a large-scale attack in the heart of Israel, as well as attacks with rocket-launching cells. It was Israel\’s third targeted assassination in recent months.

Israeli man injured in rocket attack

Following a rocket strike from Gaza on the western Negev that injured one, Israel\’s Air Force struck three terrorism-linked sites in Gaza. The airstrikes early Thursday morning hit a weapons manufacturing and storage site in the central Gaza Strip and two terrorism hubs in the northern Gaza Strip, according to the Israel Defense Forces. They followed a barrage of five rockets fired on southern Israel Wednesday evening, the IDF said.\n

Israel hits two targets in Gaza

Israel\’s Air Force struck two terror-linked sites in the southern Gaza Strip. The early Wednesday morning strikes on what the Israel Defense Forces spokesman described as a weapons manufacturing site and a smuggling tunnel were in response to the firing from Gaza of three rockets at Israel\’s southern communities over two days. Both targets were hit.

Attention, politicians: Pandering won’t fly

[Jewish voters] are widely perceived as virtually single-issue in outlook, lacking nuance on complex matters and easily pleased. \”Throw them a few bones, and they\’ll be happy,\” seems to be the operative assessment among the politicians who do the Jewish circuit.

Habonim spirit influences work of director Mike Leigh in ‘Happy-Go-Lucky’

Leigh\’s physician father and midwife mother met through Habonim, the Labor Zionist youth movement, in 1936. Mike Leigh, in turn, became a Habonim leader and traveled with the group to Israel on a ship as a teenager. The experience had a dramatic effect on his future work as an artist: \”The atmosphere was one of chevrah, of sharing, openness and coming together — of making things happen by colluding — which describes the spirit of how I work with actors and the atmosphere of my rehearsals.\”

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