

An Old Murder Is a Tale for Our Times

One of the most depressing of the many depressing aspects of the second year of the new millennium has been the resurgence of anti-Semitism and the importation into Islam of anti-Semitic motifs that were abandoned and discredited in the post-Holocaust Christian world.

Old Wallet in Berlin Keeps Memory Alive

In August 1942, the Gestapo arrested Walter and Elisabeth Blumenthal, an elderly Jewish couple in Berlin. As they were driven away on a truck, a neighbor noticed Walter tossing something from the vehicle. The neighbor later retrieved the object: a brown leather wallet, elaborately embossed in gold with the initials WB.

Goldhagen Book Rocks Germany

The photo was misidentified by the archive that provided it, Goldhagen told reporters at the fair.

Rabbis With a Mission

The mission\’s organizer, Rabbi Mark Diamond, executive director of the Board of Rabbis of Southern California, called the journey a \”rabbinic version of the March of Living.\”

One People

Beset by troubles, we have much to be thankful for, least of which is our miraculous survival, and our ties to each other.

From L.A. to Germany

Bridge of Understanding was launched in 1993 by the Office of German-American Cooperation at the German Foreign Ministry, and Weiler has been the project\’s director almost from the beginning.

A Historic Change

History is in the making this fall in Germany with the opening of three new Jewish schools for adults.

A Time to Pay

The largest Holocaust-era German insurance company has not paid a single claim to survivors. Meanwhile, the international commission created to resolve Holocaust claims disputes has spent $30 million on administrative costs, compared to $3 million distributed to elderly survivors. From my own experience, these were predictable scandals. It is not too late to reverse them. In any event, the story should be told.

Evil as a Day’s Work

\”There was no shouting or wailing,\” recalls a Nazi army veteran in wonder after watching Polish Jews digging their own graves before being machine-gunned. \”There was a deadly silence.\”

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