
muslim brotherhood

Clinton to Netanyahu: ‘We will continue to consult closely’

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met with Israeli leaders in Jerusalem Monday, fresh from a visit to Egypt, where she became the most senior U.S. official to meet newly elected President Mohamed Morsi, from the long-banned Muslim Brotherhood.

Israel to deploy Iron Dome system on Egypt border

Israel said on Wednesday it would deploy a battery of Iron Dome rocket interceptors at a southern frontier town opposite Egypt, a move that follows cross-border attacks in the area.

Clinton to visit Egypt, Israel after Asia swing

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will visit Egypt this month for talks with the country\’s a new Islamist president, and will follow that with a stop in Israel to discuss Middle East peace efforts, the State Department said on Thursday.

Egypt stirs Islamist joy, Gulf, Israeli doubts

Egypt\’s new president may lack real foreign policy clout for now, but the mere fact that a Muslim Brotherhood man is at the helm of the biggest Arab nation will embolden fellow Islamists seeking revolutionary change around the Middle East.

Egypt’s Morsi keen to renew long-severed Iran ties

Egypt\’s Islamist President-elect Mohamed Morsi voiced interest in restoring long-severed ties with Tehran to create a strategic \”balance\” in the region, in an interview published on Monday with Iran\’s Fars news agency.

Vote result delay frays Egyptian nerves

Allegations of fraud delayed the result of Egypt\’s presidential election on Thursday, fraying nerves as the Muslim Brotherhood, which claims victory, called for street protests against moves by the ruling generals to deny them power.

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